Whether teachers can be a working professional who sejatinya?
Although at this time was born Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers as a juridical foundation teaching profession, but to make teachers in Indonesia as a working professional who sejatinya (A True Professional) seem to still need to be direnungkan and more.
Wikipedia the criteria that must be met from a working professional who sejatinya, namely: (1) academic qualifications - a doctoral or law degree - ie, university college / institute, (2) expert and specialised knowledge in field which one is practising professionally ; (3) excellent manual / practical and literary skills in relation to profession, (4) high quality work in (examples): creations, products, services, presentations, Consultancy, primary / other research, administrative, marketing or other work endeavours; (5) a high standard of professional ethics, behavior and work activities while carrying out one's profession (as an employee, self-employed person, career, enterprise, business, company, or partnership / associate / colleague, etc.).
Wikipedia refers to the thoughts above, let us study more about the teacher as a professional. Based on the criteria of the first, a teacher can be as a professional who sejatinya when he has a background of education at least at the minimum degree. In Law No. 14, 2005 mentioned that to be able to manage his teachers have a minimum educational qualification D4/S1. This provision has been stimulate teachers to try and increase kualiafikasi akademiknya, well above the cost of their own or through government assistance scholarships. Although, in certain cases, and found inconsistencies ketidakselarasan program of study chosen. For example, he initially background D3 Guidance and Counseling, but may be due to certain reasons that are pragmatic, he continue the studies on other courses.
Associated with the second criteria, the teacher is an expert. As an expert, the teacher in self-knowledge must be available a broad and deep (kognisi or academic ability, high level) associated with the substance of the subjects which the responsibilities. He must be able to describe your, explain, predict and control the various phenomena related to the subjects diampunya. For example, a Biology teacher should be able to explain, describe your, and predicted many of the phenomena related to biology, although in this case may not sehebat biologist (science).
Besides having a high knowledge in the field of substance diampunya subjects, a teacher also claimed to show the superior skills in the areas of education and learning (the ability pedagogik), such as skills to apply various methods and techniques of learning, classroom management techniques, skills, and utilizing media source of learning, and so forth. Skills pedagogik this is precisely distinguish akan teachers with experts in other fields of science related. To obtain this pedagogik skills, in addition to the distinctive talents also require necessary training systematically and continuously.
Furthermore, a teacher does not just excel in practice pengetahuanya but also capable of writing (literary skills) of all things related scientific field (the substance of the subjects) and the related field of education and learning, such as the ability to create research reports, papers, writing books literasi and other activities. This is the third criteria of a professional.
The four criteria, a teacher said as a professional who can sejatinya when working with high quality. Including teachers working in the field of services, or services (service). A quality service of a teacher is shown through the satisfaction of the service user that is student teachers.
Satisfaction as the primary student teachers are located on the achievement of learning achievement and potential terkembangkannya all held optimally through the learning process of educating. Satisfaction to be able to give this course is required seriousness and intelligent work of teachers themselves.
Kritera last, a teacher said as a sincere profesioanal that if he can behave in line with the code of ethics and the profession can work with a high standard. Some products we have highlighted the legal standards relating to the duties of teachers. Professional teachers who sejatinya of course not only able to meet the minimum standard, but will pursue a higher standard. Criteria included in the fifth is to build a sense kesejawatan with colleagues seprofesi together to build the profession and uphold the professional code of ethics.
Based on the description above, there is a reflection of me and you may also. That to be a teacher as a professional with a predicate that is not sincere seems easy, not enough only expressed through a sheet of paper through the process of certification. But how much more we are required to continue to sharpen our capacity in order to truly meet all the criteria that have been presented above, which one of them can be done through the business and continue to learn there is no stopping the study.
If not, then we may only be a predicate as a "teacher-guruan", alias quasi-or even a teacher may become a self-styled guru who exactly will be more dangerous and harmful to education. Hopefully, me and you do not include this category of one and let's learn!